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Capital and UConn Sign Business & Technology Articulation

By Jane Bronfman, Capital Director of Information and Marketing
Capital Community College (CCC) students interested in earning a bachelor’s degree in business from the top-ranked public university in New England – while remaining in Greater Hartford – can now do just that thanks to a business program articulation agreement recently developed between Capital and the University of Connecticut.

On Friday, March 24, Capital Community College will sign an agreement with the University of Connecticut that permits CCC graduates with an associate degree in business management to transfer as first-semester juniors to the UConn School of Business in West Hartford, or the university’s other regional campuses in Stamford and Waterbury. Core courses are also available in Torrington. Without this formal agreement between colleges, students who transfer to another school often lose credits that aren’t recognized by the accepting institution.

“This agreement is so exciting,” said Joan Marchessault, Capital’s Business & Technology Department Chair. “It provides Capital students with an excellent opportunity to make a smooth transition from their associate to bachelor’s degree.”

The Business & Technology Transfer Pathway Program builds upon a Connecticut Community College system wide agreement signed 1 & 1/2 years ago. This agreement is the latest articulation agreement for bachelor’s degrees between CCC and UConn, including others such as Liberal Arts & Sciences, Urban Studies and Science.

“This agreement is a significant opportunity for our students,” said Capital President Calvin E. Woodland. “Those who cannot afford to go to UConn for four years will now have access to a UConn business degree and all of the prospects that open up for them as a result of it.”

The primary goals of the Transfer Pathway Program are to promote and enhance a thorough foundation in the field without compromising the academic integrity of either institution’s educational program, and to facilitate a smooth transition for students who wish to earn a baccalaureate or higher degree. This agreement will foster regular, continuing communication and sharing of information between Capital and UConn, including joint advising of students and joint meetings of faculty and administration.

“We are extremely pleased to formalize this agreement to facilitate the transfer of Capital Community College students into the UConn’s Business and Technology major – it further solidifies our long-standing commitment to encouraging students’ achievement of a baccalaureate degree in business,” said Dr. William C. (Curt) Hunter, Dean of the UConn School of Business.

“A seamless transition from Capital Community College to the Business and Technology major at UConn is immensely valuable to our community, our respective institutions and most importantly, to our students,” adds Dr. Edna McBreen, Associate Vice Provost for UConn Tri-Campus. “The development of the agreement has brought faculty from Capital and UConn together to plan programs, and the relationships that have developed will ensure that students are well advised throughout their degree programs.”

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