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3rd Annual Latinas & Power Symposium

By Shirley Navarro
Being at the Convention Center for the Latinas and Power Symposium event was a wonderful experience. It was also an honor to be a part of this unique and inspirational experience, not only for me, but for every latina woman there. I started shivering when i saw the courage, determination, and passionate motivation these women have to help others succeed in life by using themselves as examples.

Women like Marilyn Alverio, Consuelo Castillo and Carmen Sierra among others are no different from the Latinas in our community, they just followed their dream and fought for this believes. Myself, being a part of this community, encourage every Latina to take a risk. The opportunity is out there, and is only our decision to make a change in our lives or not.!!!!"

Even CCC was present to represent our 28 percent Latin student population. For Capital student news, this is Shirley Navarro.

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