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CSN Spring 2007 Webcast Schedule

The CSN-Capital Student News organization announced its Spring 2007 schedule of four, half-hour webcasts originating live from the TV Studio at Capital Community College in Hartford. The webcasts mark the second season for CSN, which premiered on Hartford Public Access television in December 2005.

CSN editor Lillie Lavado and lead advisor Jennifer L. Thomassen said that the CSN TV program will continue on that channel, but that the webcast feature will allow students to engage in a real-time, live production available to a worldwide audience via the Internet.

CSN will air the live webcasts on certain Fridays at 3:00pm Eastern (US) Time:
- February 2
- March 2
- April 13
- May 4

To view the live webcast and/or archived CSN episodes, visit http://www.ccc.commnet.edu/media/csn. The webcasts are presented in RealPlayer format.

CSN QUICK POLL: What is your favorite sport?